Hydraulic System. advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic systems

                        Hydraulic System

  •    hydraulic system is power transmission system. in which transmission power take place though the hydraulic oil.

    Applications of hydraulic systems:

1) Machine Tools:  CNC machine, hydraulic pressure, hydraulic shaper etc 

2) Automobile:  hydraulic brakes.  hydraulic steering,  hydraulic clutch,  hydraulic suspension, hydraulic coupling,  hydraulic power transmission, hydraulic torque converter.

3) Aerospace:  landing gear, brakes. flight control, rubber, flap etc.

4) Railway:  hydraulic brakes.  hydraulic steering,  hydraulic clutch,  hydraulic suspension,                 hydraulic coupling,  hydraulic power transmission, hydraulic torque converter.

5) Marine field: ship steering system, ship yards, ship building etc.

6) Medical equipment:  medical chairs and operating tables.
 7)Industrial:  Plastic processing machinery, steel making and primary metal extraction applications, automated production lines, machine tool industries, paper industries, loaders, crushes, textile machinery, R & D equipment and robotic systems etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of Hydraulic Systems:
1)  The hydraulic system uses incompressible fluid which results in higher efficiency.
2) Hydraulic system delivers consistent power output which is difficult in pneumatic or mechanical drive systems.
3) it  employ high-density incompressible fluid. The possibility of leakage is less in a hydraulic system as compared to that in a pneumatic system. The maintenance cost is less.
4) These systems perform well in hot environmental conditions.
5) Very precise speed control is achieved.
6) hydraulic system is self lubricating, there is no need of a separate lubricating system.
7) Automatic and safety circuits are possible.
1) leakage of oil causes dirty  surrounding, slippery floor,  increase chances of accidents.
2) Hydraulic oil are petrol petroleum based oils. hence  there are chances of fire         hazards.
3) hydraulic system are slower in Operation Slow speed may be a disadvantage         if higher rate of work in desired.
4) hydraulic system should not be operated hot surrounding. because oil may            become a overheated. its property may destroy. oil may become corrosive, oil        may catch fire.

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